River Avon
Salisbury & District Angling Club
I'm coming quickly to the conclusion that there is large amount of madness and masochism required of the dedicated grayling fisher. Thursday was cold, today on the Avon it felt even colder.
I fished the Durnford beats. At this time of year the beat system no longer operates and so one can roam the river. However I was frozen to the spot for a great deal of the morning. Even when the sun came out, all it did was create a sub-zero wind.
Despite all the above moans and groans; I was glad to be on the river. I did catch grayling, but more importantly, I saw some wonderful wildlife. An old 'grumpy' heron croaked and flew off as I approached the river. There were dabchicks moving surreptitiously along the bank side, coots fighting as they always do, and swans flying, like low level bombers, up and down the river. A flock of finches moved from alder to streamside alder and flights of redwings and fieldfares called as they flew overhead. The days are short and fishing time even more so, but the river is still worth visiting.